Exceptional Printing & CreativITY

I freelanced for years after my children were born, then went back into office for a few hours a few days a week,
then finally went back full time. After 11 years at a wholesale printer it went out of business.
I started to work for another printer and found out all print shops are not created equal — well owners anyway
I was miserable at the print shop I was with.

I LOVE WHAT I DO, but I hated where I worked.

In searching for new employment, I had the revalation, that I can do this on my own!

and so I created "ImaJoVision" Pronounced "I-MAJ-O-VISION"

More Options

I can design, or design and print and mail.
I have all the resources as a print broker and promotional distributor.
Marketing and creativity have always been a passion of mine...
Promotional items get your name,
YOUR BRAND, out there!